Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Life Worth Living? I think so!!!

Life is tough...everyone knows that! But every now & then God gives us a reminder as to why we are alive and everything suddenly makes sense. I'll be the first to admit that things don't stay that way for long, but to just have a little glimpse of it is, or it should be, enough. I have two little reasons for why I do and will continue to push through this awful life and those are my two Godsons! I have a lot of people that I love in my life, but these two boys are probably the two biggest and most important reasons for my being.

Following are a few pictures taken in the past three days of these boys and a little description of what was going on at the moment....ENJOY! =)

Picture #1: January 17, 2012- In this picture, the baby, Kaiden, was crying cause he wanted to be picked up by mommy (in the background), who was busy cooking. The older one, Lil Man, went up to the Kaiden and started playing with him. It melts my heart watching my baby boy being such a great big brother and this picture also breaks the mold since it does not show sibling rivalry, but sibling love instead. It hurts to see that they are growing up so quickly though. =(

Picture #2: January 18, 2012 - In this picture, you see Kaiden attacking Lil Man and trying to take his hat. I love how Lil Man just lays there and doesn't even tried fighting his little brother for it! Once again, my babies are showing sibling love instead of rivalry. I absolutely love my baby boys!!!

Today I babysat the two boys together, and by myself. I was laying on the couch and watching this whole scenario play out:

Pictures #3: January 19, 2012 - In this picture you see Kaiden sleeping. What you don't see is Lil Man, who is 4 years old, putting Kaiden, 16 months old, to sleep! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen and I wish my camera hadn't been across the room.

 Picture #4: January 19, 2012 - This is my baby, Lil Man. After laying his brother down for a nap, and because he believed I was also asleep, he decided to take a nap too. This may not seem like a big deal, but this kid loves getting into trouble! Any and every single chance he gets, he is getting into something he's not supposed to be getting into, so when he decides to lay himself down for a is indeed a HUGE deal!

At the end of the day, life doesn't seem so tough when you have times with these angels to look forward to! Everyday is a new adventure and I'm ecstatic to see where we go from here. Wherever we end up, I know I'm going to love every step of the way!

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