Sooo...lately things have been going pretty well, I guess. Or not! I'm not really sure actually.
I came to Atlanta on June 7th, and although I was originally supposed to go home on the 15th, I changed it to the 25th, and am currently contemplating on changing that to some time after July 8th so that I can meet Lora's brother, Patrick. He's in the ARMY and I've spoken with him over some time in the past (almost) 3 years. He's like an uncle of some Anyways!
Chris has been more difficult than EVER! He agreed to go into an inpatient program then he backed out after his mother and I spent 4 days making calls and doing research to find the perfect program for him! UGH! Then he's still disrespectful and comes off quite ungrateful sometimes which aggravates me! I still love his crazy ass to pieces and I'll always be here for him foremost, it's just hard at times! No matter what happens though, we'll be friends forever and I'm so thankful for that. We've been talking about moving in together once his suit goes through, but that can be anywhere from a month to a year.
John has turned out to be a life saver!!! He currently lives with two roommates, a guy and a girl. The guys is 24, white, dates only black girls and is a man whore! Lol. The girl is from the Bahamas, works 3 jobs, and sends half of every check she gets to her family in the Bahamas. Neither of them are ever home according to John and whenever the girl's home, she's locked up in her room. John closed off a doorway of the living room and made it into his bedroom. So because of that, the third bedroom is available and he said I can move into it. I'll have to watch his pitbull during the day and do things like cooking and washing dishes since I can't pay any rent right now, but he has Wi-Fi Internet so I'll be able to be online all day if I want. Really considering starting a blog for the sole purpose of making money, but I think I need to do a little more research and see about that. I'm not sure I would want to take out of the fun of blogging by making a requirement, ya know? I'm just glad that I have an opportunity to come back to Georgia...there's no point in being in Florida if I'm not with my Godchildren, parents, siblings and Meema....they're the reasons I went back and I'm 2 hours away now, so why not come back to what I feel is my "home?"
I re-enrolled at Everest in January and then I had to move unexpectedly and got hospitalized in May so I couldn't log into school...I got "dismissed" due to lack of attendance. That sucks but once I got things situated and called to get back into my classes, I couldn't because Genesis wants me to pay $150 ($50/loan -- 3 loans) to start this "Hardship Deferment," and then $60 ($20/loan) a month to bring my account up to date and I just can't do that with no income. So, as of now, I am not working, not in school, and still waiting on SSI disability to come through. I swear these illnesses are going to kill me before ANYBODY is willing to help me. I hired a lawyer but that hasn't gone anywhere yet. Tomorrow I plan on calling my lawyer to find out what's going on, calling Mercy Ministries to find out if and how they can help me, and finally, if all else fails, I'm going to call Lora and tell her that I want to see if and how her aunt can and/or is willing to help me. She lives in California and I may have to move out there, far away from anything or anyone I know, but if it's going to help me live...I'll do it.
Update on my's still as shitty as ever! My diabetes is still rough but the real problem is between my Pacreatitis and Colitis are my biggest issues! I can't do shit because of shit...LITERALLY! I hate not being able to do anything or go anywhere because of the constant pains and it's literally draining the life out of me not being able to afford the medication or medical attention that these illnesses require! I hate my life because of it and I hate that I am unable to love living like a normal person my age should. Anyways...if I die because of the lack of help, I just hope my family and friends use me as an example and do some good with my story.
Well...that's it I guess. I'm going to log off and watch some TV, maybe do some research or read some articles online....IDK...I'm going to do something until I have to wake Betty up at 5:30 am. She's going to Florida for almost two weeks and she has to catch her taxi at 6:15 to make sure she makes her 7 o'clock bus.
Good Night!
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