Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"The Color Code" - My Results (Courtesy of

So, if you've read some of my previous posts, you'll know that I'm a Christian. Well, I love God and Jesus is my best friend, but even Christians get lonely and wish to find someone to spend the rest of their lives with...I'm no exception! Since all these famous dating sites have turned into booty call sites, I decided to join one that was made for the Christian community. (Hopefully people haven't joined to find booty calls on this site!) 

I joined this morning and they offer this personality-kind-of test called "The Color  Code," so I took the survey and my results are as follow:

Congratulations, Esmeralda, you are a BLUE personality. The Core Motivation that drives you through life is "Intimacy". It is important to note that this does not mean sexual intimacy. BLUES need connection - the sharing of rich, deep emotions that bind people together. As a BLUE, you will often sacrifice a great deal of time, effort, and/or personal convenience to develop and maintain meaningful relationships throughout your life.

BLUES seek opportunities to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated, especially by their partner. Everything you do as a BLUE has to be quality-based, or you won't do it at all. You are incredibly loyal to friends, employers, employees, and above all to your significant other. Whatever or whomever you commit to is your sole (and soul) focus. As a BLUE, you love to serve and will give freely of yourself in order to nurture the lives of others.

BLUES have distinct preferences and are the most controlling of the four personalities, although they may not acknowledge (or even realize) the fact. Your code of ethics is remarkably strong and you expect others (not only your partner and those closest to you, but everyone) to live honest, committed lives as well. You enjoy sharing meaningful moments in conversation with your partner as well as remembering special life events (e.g. birthdays and anniversaries).

Find Out About You

Before you read your profile results and begin to learn how The Color Code will help you relate to potential matches more effectively, there are five fundamental principles of The Color Code that you need to understand.


You need to know that The Color Code works and is the best tool on the market today, because it is based on human motivations (why you do what you do) rather than on human behaviors (what you do). Behavior (for example, the way you act in a chat room or on a date) can be imitated, copied, or faked, but if you know the true motivation behind the behavior (what is driving the person to behave as they do), you already have a very clear picture of what that person is all about.


Your personality type is driven by only ONE of four Core Motives, represented by the colors:

RED (Core Motive = Power, or the ability to move from "a" to "b" as efficiently as possible)
BLUE (Core Motive = Intimacy, this doesn't mean sex, but the need to connect, share feelings, and build relationships with others)
WHITE (Core Motive = Peace, or calm even in the midst of conflict; clarity in the midst of confusion)
YELLOW (Core Motive = Fun, or always enjoying the moment)

These are the four basic personality types that I will teach you about. However, very few people have ever scored 100% in one single color while taking the profile; therefore, you will find that your Core Color is often influenced by traces of the other colors. That is why no two WHITES, although driven by the same Core Motive of Peace, will ever be exactly alike.


You were born with your core personality color intact (ask any woman who has given birth to more than one child and she'll tell you that her children had different personalities before they had drawn their first breath), and while parts of your personality do change over time (for example, you may have not been born a good listener, but you have learned to become one), you cannot and should not try to discard your Core Color in an attempt to trade it for another. If you were born a YELLOW, you will die a YELLOW, but you can add to yourself any strength or any limitation of any color to your core self.


No personality type is better than another. Each brings equally valuable, albeit, different gifts to the world.


No personality type is innately good or bad. Many people who do not know The Color Code may assume that all BLUES must be good and all REDS must be bad, for example. This couldn't be more false. The colors are neutral and individuals are free to choose how they will use their strengths and limitations to leave either a positive or a negative legacy in life.

Why You're Hot


People like to feel important, especially to their significant other, and you have the natural ability to make that happen. As a BLUE, you tend to be very selfless, and your first thought is always "how will this affect my partner?" You would be willing to sacrifice going out with friends or engaging in an activity that you enjoy on your own to do something less exciting with your significant other - not that they would necessarily ask you to - but just knowing you would is a great feeling.


When planning something such as an anniversary dinner or a birthday party, you don't like to go through the same old routine that everyone else does. You have a flair for the creative and you seem to have a sense of how to create an ambiance by adding special touches that you know will be perfect for the occasion. For example, you might have personalized gifts or you might recreate something meaningful that happened previously in your relationship. You make ordinary things extra special, which is very endearing.

You are Unbelievably Thoughtful.
You emanate quality and purpose in all that you do.
You give your heart wholly and willingly.
You are a rock – Stable and dependable.
Your capacity for emotional depth is remarkable.
You are a class act.

Why You're Not


As a BLUE, you hold high standards for yourself and tend to have unrealistic expectations of yourself, your partner, and how things "should be," so when things go wrong, you turn to others, such as your partner, as the source for your unhappiness. You might say to him, "if only you were more attentive / caring / interested / loving (you name it), this wouldn't have happened." This is obviously not a great way to maintain somebody's affection.


BLUES tend to be overly guilt-prone, and so if you are doing things that are not purposeful by your standards, you probably feel guilty about it. Ergo, you tend to require a justifiable reason to just play and enjoy life - which usually defeats the purpose and makes it feel unnatural or forced to others in your life. Your tendency to be high-strung in this way can be alarming to a potential mate who is stuck wondering if you'll ever be able to calm down enough to enjoy a life together.

You can be self-righteous.
You tend to be moody.
You can be unforgiving.
You can be a perfectionist to a fault (untrusting).
You can be too controlling.
You may give with strings attached.

Your Needs

Now that you know how others see you as a potential partner, you should also know that there are certain things that you subconsciously need from your relationships in order to feel fulfilled and happy. These are your very own little hot buttons. When you find a partner who can push them for you, you may just fall head over heels.


As a BLUE, driven by Intimacy, you seek deep, personal connections with your partner. That doesn't just mean that you want to understand everything about them. You wouldn't feel that your relationship was complete unless he understood you completely either. You should look for a partner who can move beyond superficial conversation and is willing to understand every bit about what makes you you.


You love to give openly and always go the extra mile to please your partner. All you desire in return is that he appreciate the effort that 
you make to do what you do. You will be happiest in finding someone who is comfortable and open in expressing that appreciation and who doesn't take your 110% effort for granted.

You need to be good morally.
You need general acceptance.

Your Wants


You like stability and security in your relationships and in life in general. You want a partner who communicates in word and deed that he is committed to you so that you always feel on stable ground in the relationship. You also want someone who will establish a solid (and safe) lifestyle with you and not force you to take high stakes risks, although, I would recommend that you be open-minded in this area, because some risks will really do wonders to enhance the quality of your life.


It almost seems paradoxical, because while you do seek meaningful relationships in your life, and enjoy the company of others, you also enjoy your independence to do what you like to do. This is true for most BLUES because you spend so much time caring for others, connecting with them, and worrying about making things perfect, that you like to have your free time not to have to worry about those things.

You want quality in all aspects of your life.
You want to reveal insecurities.


So we've spent some time talking about you and what makes you more (or less) attractive to the opposite sex, now the burning question in your mind at this point probably has something to do with what you can do to create some positive chemistry with each of the other colors. Knowing that the person you're interested in is a YELLOW, for example, you can know that there are certain things that you can do to better pique their interest in you; likewise there are other things that just may put you so far out of the game that no love potion could ever save you.

Of course, in order to sustain a positive relationship with any color, you must be sincere while following these tips. Manipulation will get you nowhere, and is the worst possible thing that you could build the foundation of your relationship upon. A strong relationship will come of you becoming a better person through increasing your self-awareness, acting out of clean motives (legitimate reasons for doing things; or acting in such a way that makes win-win situations possible), and stretching to get over yourself in a way that allows you to sincerely incorporate these tips so as to make it about your partner and not about yourself (i.e., getting what you want first; selfishness).


Top 5 BLUE Turn-Ons:
  1. Being sincere and genuine.
  2. Appreciating and understanding them.
  3. Being thoughtful.
  4. Expressing interest in personal details.
  5. Behaving appropriately and being well-mannered.
Top 5 WHITE Turn-Ons:
  1. Accepting (and supporting) their individuality.
  2. Being kind.
  3. Creating an informal, relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Being patient and gentle.
  5. Introducing options and ideas for your interactions.
Top 5 YELLOW Turn-Ons:
  1. Being flirtatious.
  2. Offering praise and adoration.
  3. Reinforcing interest with physical contact.
  4. Promoting creative and fun activities with them.
  5. Accepting some playful teasing, joking, "comic relief."
Top 5 RED Turn-Ons:
  1. Being competent.
  2. Demanding attention and respect from them and others.
  3. Being direct, brief, and specific.
  4. Presenting issues logically.
  5. Supporting their leadership instincts.

Top 5 BLUE Turn-Offs:
  1. Being non-committal.
  2. Becoming emotionally unavailable or dismissive.
  3. Demanding spontaneity.
  4. Promoting too much change.
  5. Abandoning them/Being disloyal.
Top 5 WHITE Turn-Offs:
  1. Forcing confrontation.
  2. Being cruel or insensitive.
  3. Being domineering or too intense.
  4. Forcing immediate verbal expression.
  5. Demanding leadership.
Top 5 YELLOW Turn-Offs:
  1. Ignoring them.
  2. Controlling their schedules/Consuming their time.
  3. Being too serious or sober in criticism.
  4. Being unforgiving.
  5. Expecting them to dwell on problems.
Top 5 RED Turn-Offs:
  1. Embarrassing them in front of others.
  2. Arguing from an emotional perspective.
  3. Being slow and indecisive.
  4. Taking their arguments personally.
  5. Waiting for them to solicit your opinion.

How do I match?

Okay, Aphrodite , now that you have the power to sweep a man off his feet by using your knowledge of The Color Code, the next item that we need to address is who do you want to be with? More specifically, with what color(s) should you seek a serious relationship?
The beauty of relationships is that any color can date or marry any color. We can all be compatible if we work to be so. The advantage The Color Code gives you is the ability to know what you're getting in a potential mate, and what you can reasonably expect and can not reasonably expect from a relationship with each color. That's not to say that people can't change. Just because by nature, you wouldn't expect a WHITE spouse, for example, to be verbally protective and assertive that he couldn't develop that ability. It would be unnatural, however, to him and may be difficult for him to do. Further, some people don't want to change and are happy with themselves as they are. Isn't it better to know what you're getting and be happy with him as he is, instead of deciding to get involved and that you will be able to mold him into what you want him to be after you're together for a while?

With that said, click on one of the colors below to learn about the typical nature of your potential relationships and decide which would bring you the most happiness and fulfillment in life.

BLUE-BLUE Relationships

They both share concern for quality and detail
They are both extremely committed to the relationship
They are very dependable in completing projects or tasks

They can get caught up in the details at the sacrifice of essential productivity
They are very perfectionistic and therefore hard on themselves and each other
They can be too serious and feed each other's depression

BLUE-WHITE Relationships

They will not get in each other's way or block the other from doing what they need or want to do
Both can operate very well on their own
They are typically more low-maintenance and require little entertainment from each other

BLUES are emotion-based in thinking and WHITES are logic based in thinking
After the initial stages of the relationship, they tend to lose passion over time
The WHITE can tire of the BLUE'S need to control and the BLUE can grow frustrated at the WHITE'S lack of communication (quality and quantity)

BLUE-YELLOW Relationships

They share a strong emotional connection
Together they have a high capacity for problem solving, creativity, and high quality lifestyle
The BLUE provides the quality and detail which is complimented by the YELLOW bringing the energy and capacity for risk-taking

They can become too interdependent
Emotions can sometimes get in the way
They may grow resentful toward each other if the BLUE tries to be too controlling and the YELLOW becomes too noncommittal

BLUE-RED Relationships

Great Loyalty - BLUE to relationships, RED to task
RED provides vision, BLUE provides quality
Both are highly dependable and follow through on commitments

Both seek to control the other, BLUES with emotion, REDS with logic
They don't readily accept and understand each other
BLUE is emotion-based in thinking and RED is logic-based in thinking

I'll be studying this for a while and will try to post my findings and thoughts on these results in another post...soon, but no promises! I haven't read any of the report yet, so if it makes me look like a's wrong! Lol. 


  1. I like this blog.I’m really glad I have found this information.This post is really helpful for us. i certainly love this website, keep on it.Excellent post, I will be checking back regularly to look for updates.

  2. See this expose on color-code and Carl Jung:

  3. Too bad they got rid of the character color code tests.
    I still remember blue being emotional beings.
    I was partially blue and white (rational).
